Building Profiling for Energy Management (BProfEM)

Support: FFG IKT der Zukunft - P 845 627
Project management: Wolfgang Kastner
Project team: Daniel Schachinger
Start: 2014-12-01
Finished: 2017-11-30



The heterogeneity of building automation technologies and the amount of sensor data created are still an inhibitor for the successful deployment of home or building energy management systems (HEMS/BEMS). BProfEM aims at defining a generic semantic integration layer amongst the heterogeneous technologies using Semantic Web technologies in order to exploit the enriched semantics to support automated data mining, (privacy-aware) profiling and adaptive optimization algorithms to be used within energy management systems. The goal is to improve the local energy optimization and smart grid interaction within automated demand response programmes. Real world test data samples are used to identify interesting patterns of human behaviour and building energy consumption and to further create a simulation model to be used within a building simulation environment that shall evaluate the benefits of a semantic-aware energy optimization and demand response system. A feasibility study accompanied with a cost/benefit analysis will evaluate the potential of the project results.

For more information, visit the project website!

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