using Cygwin
using Cygwin
If you want to use the BCU SDK on Windows, you need to install Cygwin. You need to install at least:
- g++
- bison
- flex
- libxml2-devel
- make
- gettext-devel
- w32-api
- libxml2-devel
- xsltproc (libxslt)
As cygwin offers no argp, install argp-standalone-1.3.tar.gz the usual way (./configure && make && make install). This file contains parts of the glibc (It was taken out of lsh).
The build and installation process is the same as under Linux. Only the following eibd backends work:
- EIBnet/IP Routing (ip:) is working
- EIBnet/IP Tunneling (ipt:name) should be working
- FT1.2 (ft12:/dev/ttySx) is working
- PEI16 user mode driver (bcu1s:/dev/ttySx) is basically working, but the process crashes after some seconds
- TPUART user mode driver (tpuarts:/dev/ttySx) is working